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Remote Assistance Specialist (RAS) Team Lead


RAS Team Lead
RAS in Tallinn have been supported by Starship Team Leads till now. With this Team Lead role evolving more and more in to a subject matter expert function Starship and GoWorkaBit have agreed to strengthen the RA TL support role impact for the future.

GoWorkaBit will take over the TL role/function and we are hiring two replacements to the current Starship TLs. This change we expect will secure an improved people management/support element for Tallinn RAS Team, with “on the floor” available TLs in place.

It will be a full time position and your job as a Team Lead will involve roughly 60% of managerial tasks and 40% ordinary mesh RA functions to assure you maintain the skill-set and understand the actual tasks your team is performing.

Team Lead Job Description
Your work in this role will contribute to a more directly available / approachable and dedicated manager for RAS team. You will be the first and most important contact for team members and will support their growth. You will be asked to motivate and inspire your team to ensure they work as efficiently and effectively as possible.

You will also be responsible for providing team members with guidance and instructions. This may involve the re-training of staff members as needed with the assistance of the Starship Training & Development Team and/or creating development plans for each individual team member. Ultimately, your goal will be to ensure that the team is doing everything they can to work towards the goals.

In order to be successful in this position, you will need to be results oriented and capable of managing the day-to-day work of an entire team of individuals. If you think you have the skills and experience to excel in the team lead role, we’d love to see your application.

Team Lead Responsibilities:

* Motivate team members to perform at their best

* Set clear goals and communicate that information to team members effectively

* Ensure the best possible retention level among the team

* Oversee the day-to-day operations of the team

* Create a supportive team environment

* Empower team members with the skills they need to perform optimally

* Conduct regular performance reviews with team members

* Effectively communicate challenges and problems to GoWorkaBit Account Manager during weekly meetings

* Actively participate in performance & planning meetings with Starship and effectively execute the agreed plans within your team.

Team Lead Requirements:

* People management skills

* Good level of RA experience (preferably T1 level)

* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

GoWorkaBit together with Starship Training Training Team will support you in your role, providing you training and daily support.

Your salary will consist of 2 parts:
- Monthly fixed Team Lead salary (1500 EUR / gross)
- Normal shift rate for mesh RA functions

Application deadline: 4th August 2024