Vacant job offers in company OÜ SAIAPAIK. You pick the time.

Here you can find all current vacant job offers from OÜ SAIAPAIK. In case none of them suits your needs there are lots of other job offers in GoWorkaBit for a day or week.

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Current job offers by OÜ SAIAPAIK

Short workbit

Dishwashing Nõudepesija Põhjala Tehases asuvas restoranis

98 EUR  •  7.00 EUR/h
Description Peamiselt Eesti taludest pärit mahetoorainest toitu valmistav restoran Barbarea otsib tähelepanelikku ja hoolivat nõudepesijat. Tööaeg on orienteeruvalt T-L 16:00-23:30 (tööpäev lõppeb siis kui kogu...

Pick a day or days that suit you and apply!
  • Tu, 25 February 4:30 PM - 11:30 PM
  • Th, 27 February 4:30 PM - 11:30 PM

Marati 5, 11713 Tallinn