Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Töö sisuks on kaupade markeerimine, pakendamine ja kojuveoks ettevalmistamine.
Töö eeldab head füüsilist vormi ja parajalt jõudu! Kasuks tuleb varasem töökogemus laonduse või logistika valdkonnas. Ku...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Tööamps eraisikult
Hei, kallis korraarmastaja! Kui Sa naudid korra loomist ja puhas kodu teeb Sind õnnelikuks, siis tule appi ja tee meilegi rõõmu. Enne töö alustamist vaata kindlasti üle WiRK platvormi kasutustingimuse...
Pick a day or days that suit you and apply!
08. December
Sõpruse puiestee, Kristiine, Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime endale appi kassapidajaid, kellele meeldib inimestega suhelda ning on oma töös täpsed ja korrektsed!
Vajalik on eelnev kassas töötamise kogemus. Jyskis on kasutusel Centara kassasüsteem.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
PROTO avastustehas on Euroopas ainulaadne VR elamuskeskus ja sündmuste toimumispaik. Meil on oma bistroo-stiilis kohvik, PROTO suveterrass jms vt
Kui tahad teha tööamps...
Pick a day or days that suit you and apply!
08. December
Peetri 10, Põhja-Tallinna linnaosa, Põhja-Tallinna, 10411 Harju maakond
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Puhastusteenindaja ülesandeks on teostada koristusi erinevatel külalistekorteris Tallinnas.
Palun tule veidi varem kohale, et saaksime selgitada tööülesandeid.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Puhastusteenindaja ülesandeks on teostada koristusi erinevatel külalistekorteris Tallinnas.
Palun tule veidi varem kohale, et saaksime selgitada tööülesandeid.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
klientide teenindamine, toidu valmistamine, kaupade paigutamine, koristamine.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Töö sisuks on kaupade paigutamine riiulitele ja muudele müügipindadele nii laos kui ka müügisaalis. Kauba liigutamine rocklaga kogunemiskohast müügisaali.
Töö eeldab head füüsilist vormi ja parajalt...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime kiiret ja korralikku koristjat oma kauplusesse! Sinu tööülesandeks saab olema kaupluse põranda kuiv-ja märgpesu mopiga kahel korrusel. Proovikabiinide puhastus tolmuimejaga. Abiruumide koristus...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime abiks asjatundlikku ABITÖÖLINE-NÕUDEPESIJAT. Ära muretse Sa ei pea olema üksi ja enne tööle asumist juhendatakse Sind ning näidatakse ette täpsed töövõtted. Põhilised ülesanded on nõude pesemin...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime abiks asjatundlikku ABITÖÖLINE-NÕUDEPESIJAT. Ära muretse Sa ei pea olema üksi ja enne tööle asumist juhendatakse Sind ning näidatakse ette täpsed töövõtted. Põhilised ülesanded on nõude pesemin...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Vajame töökat abilist müügisaali appi kaupa välja panema peamiselt külmletis (liha) ja vajadusel ka teistes osakondades. Peab olema valmisolek iseseisvaks ja kiireks tööks.
Enne kui tööampsule kandid...
Pick a day or days that suit you and apply!
09. December
Akadeemia Konsum, Akadeemia tee 35, 12618 Tallinn, Eesti
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime abikäsi Sikupilli Wolt Marketisse Tallinnas! Meil on parim valik kaupa ja toimetame selle klientidele kiirelt kätte!Kandideerima ootame täisealisi kandidaate, kes valdavad eesti ja inglise keel...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Tööampsu sisu on detailide pakkimine, karpide liimimine, sorteerimine.
Töö on kohapeal õpitav ja ei vaja erioskusi.
Tööaeg: 8:30-16:30
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Toetad meie usinat Rootsi restorani pere köögis toitu jagades või vajadusel vitriine täites. Põhiline töö on toidu jagamine klientidele. Mida ja kus täpsemalt teha tutvustame sulle kohapeal. Kohale jõ...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Toetad meie usinat Rootsi restorani pere köögis toidu valmistamisel. Põhiline töö on toidu ettevalmistamine. Mida ja kus täpsemalt teha tutvustame sulle kohapeal. Kohale jõudes võtab sind vastu meie e...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Sul on nobedad näpud ja sa tead, mis on kammköide, soonimine ja voltimine? Tule paariks päevaks tööle moodsasse digitrükikotta!
Meil on linna parim kollektiiv ja suurepärane töökeskkond :)
Tööaeg on...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Tööamps täpsetele ja kiiretele nobenäppudele!Tegemist on stantsitud poognate puhastamisega. Kogu vajalik väljaõpe kohapeal. Meie poolt on Sulle vajalikud töövahendid. Telefoni kasutamine vaid lõunapau...