Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Tule Käru Südamekodu kööki kokaks! Tegemist on põhikoka asendusega puhkuse ajal.
Tööülesanded: menüü ja retseptide alusel maitsva toidu valmistamine ca 95 le sööjale, vajadusel abistamine serveerimis...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime abiks asjatundlikku kokka. Peamised tööülesanded: vastavalt menüüle retseptide järgi toidu valmistamine, kauba vastuvõtt ja ladustamine, töökoha korrashoid.
Hea tööampsaja on kohusetundlik, tä...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime abiks asjatundlikku ABITÖÖLINE-NÕUDEPESIJAT. Ära muretse Sa ei pea olema üksi ja enne tööle asumist juhendatakse Sind ning näidatakse ette täpsed töövõtted. Põhilised ülesanded on nõude pesemin...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime oma meeskonda kohusetundlikke ja töötahtelist abilist, kes oleks valmis lihtsa, kuid olulise ülesande täitmiseks.
Sinu peamiseks ülesandeks on juhtmestike ja voolikute koostamise abitööd, nagu...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime abiks asjatundlikku KLIENDITEENINDAJATÄra muretse Sa ei pea olema üksi ja enne tööle asumist juhendatakse Sind ning näidatakse ette täpsed töövõtted. Põhilised ülesanded on klientide proffessio...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime abiks asjatundlikku ABITÖÖLINE-NÕUDEPESIJAT. Ära muretse Sa ei pea olema üksi ja enne tööle asumist juhendatakse Sind ning näidatakse ette täpsed töövõtted. Põhilised ülesanded on nõude pesemin...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Erinevate kaupade etikeerimine vastavalt nõuetele ja karpi tagasi pakendamine. Töö ei ole keeruline, aga nõuab püsivust ja täpsust. Tööaeg 8.00-16.30
Kogu vajalik juhendamine ja töövahendid kohapeal....
Pick a day or days that suit you and apply!
12. March
Jälgimäe tee 13, Tänassilma, 76406 Harju maakond, Eesti
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime abiks asjatundlikku NÕUDEPESIJAT.Ära muretse Sa ei pea olema üksi ja enne tööle asumist juhendatakse Sind ning näidatakse ette täpsed töövõtted. Põhilised ülesanded on nõude pesemine käsitsi ja...
Pick a day or days that suit you and apply!
12. March
G. H. Schüdlöffeli tee 4, Randvere, 74016 Harju maakond
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Ootame appi töökat ja motiveeritud autojuhti!
Sinu peamiseks tööülesanndeks saab:- kaupade laadimine ja kohaletoimetamine klientideleTööd ja toimetamist on palju - antud töö eeldab head füüsilist vor...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Saalitöötaja tööks on kaupade väljapanek ja nõuetekohane ladustamine müügisaalis. Samuti kaupade realiseerimistähtaegade ja müügikõlblikkuse kontrollimine.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Tööks on kaupadele hindade ning turvaelementide lisamine. Töö ei ole füüsiliselt raske aga täpsust nõudev. Turvastamisele ning hindade panekul oma nõuded tulenevalt tootegruppist või tarnijast.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Valmis komplekteeritud tellimuste pakkimine.
Teie tööks on valida õige suurusega kast vastavalt tellimuse suurusele ja pakkida tooted kasti.
Vajadusel lisada täitematerjali.
Pakk teipida ja lisada...
Pick a day or days that suit you and apply!
12. March
Jälgimäe tee 13, Tänassilma, 76406 Harju maakond, Eesti
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime oma sporditarvete poodi hoolikaid ja korda armastavaid abilisi! Sinu tööks on aidata osakondades panna riided tagasi korralikult riiulitele või aidata riietusruumides.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Kui Sul on aega ja soovi lisa teenida siis pakume võimalust tööampsudeks Eesti suurimat pakkematerjali ja -seadmete valikut pakkuvas ettevõttes!Otsime oma tuttuude lattu tööampsule laadijat, ehk kedag...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Meie ettevõte otsib abikäsi pakkimistööle meie Tartu laos sel nädalal.
Tööga alustame kell 9.00 ja lõpetame kell 17, aga oleme kellaaegade osas paindlikud aga ainult kokkuleppel.
Come and help...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Meie kollektiiviga on oodatud liituma tragi kokk! Asukohaks on mõnus Mantelahi kohvik Võru kesklinnas. Sinu oskusest valmistada toorainest maitsvat toitu saavad rõõmu tunda nii kohalikud kui külalised...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Töö sisuks on kaupade markeerimine, pakendamine ja kojuveoks ettevalmistamine. Pead oskama teha pappkaste ja omama kiiret ning korrektset pakkimisoskust.
Töö eeldab head füüsilist vormi ja parajalt...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime endale appi kassapidajat, kellele meeldib inimestega suhelda ning on oma töös täpne ja korrektne!
Vajalik on eelnev kassas töötamise kogemus. Jyskis on kasutusel Centara kassasüsteem.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Tule saa osa Cruffini tegemistest Raekoja platsis! Vajame sinu abi nõudepesus.
Kiire ja efektiivne nõudepesu pagariäris - suur osa masinaga, aga küürida tuleb ka käsitsi. Lisaks põrandate puhastus ja...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Dive Eesti on klienditeeninduse arendamisega tegelev ettevõte, kes otsib Jõhvi autoesindusse testostjat. Vajame vastavasse asukohta ühte inimest.
Meie koostööpartneriteks on erinevad teenindus-, jaek...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Dive Eesti on klienditeeninduse arendamisega tegelev ettevõte, kes otsib Jõhvi autoesindusse testostjat. Vajame vastavasse asukohta ühte inimest.
Meie koostööpartneriteks on erinevad teenindus-, jaek...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Roostevabast materjalist toodete keevitussine puhastus keevituse järgselt. Töö eeldab käelise tegevuse oskust ja mõnevõrra füüsilist vastupidavust - töö jalgadel.
Koolitamine võtab aega 15 minutit ko...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Roostevabast materjalist toodete keevitussine puhastus keevituse järgselt. Töö eeldab käelise tegevuse oskust ja mõnevõrra füüsilist vastupidavust - töö jalgadel.
Koolitamine võtab aega 15 minutit ko...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Kurgivarte, mattide ja kilede vedu ning traktorile laadimine. Töö toimub kasvuhoones sees.
Tööga alustame kell 7 hommikul ja hinnanguliselt saab tehtud 5-6 tunniga.
Vajalik on hea füüsiline vorm ja...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Füüsiline pingutus külmlaos -18C, töö kestvus kuni 5 tundi. Töö sisuks on kastitõstmine - alused tühjaks, konteiner täis (või siis vastupidi). Kasti kuni 15 kg. Vajalik elektrilise teisaldaja laadimis...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Ootame oskustega treenerit meie külalistele saunajooga treeninguid läbi viima!Ootame, et oleksid sõbralik, hea suhtlejad, täpne, kiire, omaksid varasemat kogemust.Keeleoskus: Lisaks eesti keelele ka i...
Big workbits are bigger bits of work that last a few days to a year. These workbits may be vacation replacements, seasonal jobs and other recurringproject-like tasks that require persistance from the worker
Big workbits are bigger bits of work that last a few days to a year. These workbits may be vacation replacements, seasonal jobs and other recurringproject-like tasks that require persistance from the worker
Long workbit
Töö sisuks on taimekastide laadimine kärusse ja hektaril taimekastide laiali vedamine.Vajalik on hea füüsiline vorm ja soov veeta üks aktiivne päev!
Tööpäeva alustame üldjuhul kell 7.00 ja tööd jagu...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Buffee toitlustusega sündmuse ettevalmistus/ teenindus/ koristus ja kokkupanek.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime oma meeskonda projektipõhiselt särasilmset ja julget küsitlejat, kelle ülesandeks on läbi viia kliendirahulolu uuring Tallinna Daily, Noonbox ja Fristar söögikohtades. Töö hõlmab külastajatele...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Pagarikoda Toomemäe vahetus läheduses otsib kokka lõunapakkumiste valmistamiseks. Lõunaks vaja teha supp ja praad u.100le inimesele. Ootame kandidaadilt iseseisvat töövõimet, korrektstust ja puhtust....
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Puhastusteenindaja ülesandeks on teostada koristusi erinevatel külalistekorteris Tallinnas.
Palun tule veidi varem kohale, et saaksime selgitada tööülesandeid.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Roostevabast materjalist toodete keevitussine puhastus keevituse järgselt. Töö eeldab käelise tegevuse oskust ja mõnevõrra füüsilist vastupidavust - töö jalgadel.
Koolitamine võtab aega 15 minutit ko...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Töö sisuks on seadmete remont objektil. Töö nõuab täpsust ja püsivust. Hindame töö kvaliteeti. Juhendamine koha peal.
Ootame, et sul oleks võimalus ise liikuda Tallinna piires. Vajalik oskus on MMA k...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Erinevate kaupade etikeerimine vastavalt nõuetele ja karpi tagasi pakendamine. Töö ei ole keeruline, aga nõuab püsivust ja täpsust.Tööaeg 8.00-16.30
Kogu vajalik juhendamine ja töövahendid kohapeal....
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime oma tiimi abiks laotöötajaid kelle peamisteks ülesanneteks on merekonteinerite ja kaubaautode mahalaadimine käsitsi, kaupade ära panemine ladudes (sise laos/õues) ning koristamine.
Otsime oma...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime ägedaid aktiivseid inimesi, kes oleksid valmis käima abis Ülemiste Sportland kaupluses.
Sinu ülesandeks on sõltuvalt päevast ja vahetusest klientide abistamine, e-poe tellimuste komplekteerimi...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime tugevaid ja hakkajaid töölisi liivakottide pakkijaks! Kui oled valmis töötama hooajaliselt aprillist-novembrini, kas hommikuses vahetuses või õhtuses vahetuses, siis kandideeri tiimi.
Töö käib...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime oma meeskonda kohusetundlikke ja töötahtelist abilist, kes oleks valmis lihtsa, kuid olulise ülesande täitmiseks.
Sinu peamiseks ülesandeks on juhtmestike koostamise abitööd, nagu näiteks kont...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
We are a company specializing in wood floor maintenance services, and we are seeking a motivated and enthusiastic part-time Telemarketing Representative to join our team. This position offers the flex...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Tööülesanneteks on erinevatest toodetest aluste komplekteerimine ja pakkimine vastavalt saatelehtedel märgitud kogustele. Ümberläinud või vigastustega aluste puhastamine, üles ladumine ja uuesti paken...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime ägedaid aktiivseid inimesi, kes oleksid valmis käima abis Pärnu keskuse Sportland kauplustes.
Sinu ülesandeks on sõltuvalt päevast ja vahetusest klientide abistamine, e-poe tellimuste komplekt...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
jäätmeveoki juhtimine ettenähtud marsruudil;
prügikonteinerite tühjendamine koos laadijaga;
veoki korrashoiu kontroll enne väljasõitu ja pisihoolduste tegemine vastavalt juhistele;
ekipaaži korrekt...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Pagariköögis abitööde tegemine: puhastamine, tükeldamine praadimine, koristamine, nõudepesu jne.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime oma tiimi Miniso kauplusesse tubli ja tragi klienditeenindajat!
Tööülesanded: Kaubaväljapanekute korrastamine, kaupade väljapanek, klientide nõustamine, teenindamine ja arveldamine klientidega...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime oma väikse pagariäri tiimi sõbralikku klienditeenindajat, kes armastab suhelda!
Sinu tööks on pagaritoodete kaasamüük letist meie toredatele klientidele.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Ootame Sind appi Rapla Prismasse kassapidajaks.
Töö hõlmab endas klientidega suhtlemist ning kassaprogrammiga tegutsemist.
Sobid meie juurde tööle kui:
* sul on vähemalt keskharidus;
* väga hea ee...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime tubli laotöötajate tiimi! Kui omad varasemat laotöö kogemust ja soovid meiega liituda, siis ootame Sind kandideerima meie multiampsu tiimi!
Ametikoha põhieesmärgid:1. Kaupade paigutamine hoiuk...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Mida Sa tegema hakkad?
Sinu igapäevaseks ülesandeks saab olema nutiseadmete käsitlemine:- mobiilide, nutikellade, arvutite visuaalne hindamine ja funktsioonide testimine,- puhastamine,- komplekteerim...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Tule appi puukooli abitöödele
Tööaeg 8.00-17.00
Kuidas puukoolis töö käib, saad ülevaate meie külastades FB lehte
Vajame töötaj...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Baltic Restaurants Estonia AS otsib erinevatesse Tallinna Daily toitlustuskohtadesse abiks KLIENDITEENINDAJAID JA SAALITEENINDAJAID!Tööd jagub nii lõunarestoranidesse, koolitoitlustusse kui personalik...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Baltic Restaurants Estonia AS otsib erinevatesse Tallinna Daily köökidesse abiks ABITÖÖLISI-NÕUDEPESIJAID!Tööd jagub nii lõunarestoranidesse, koolitoitlustusse kui personalikohvikutesse.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Baltic Restaurants Estonia AS otsib erinevatesse Tallinna Daily köökidesse abiks ABIKOKKASID!Tööd jagub nii lõunarestoranidesse, koolitoitlustusse kui personalikohvikutesse.
Abikoka ülesandeks on val...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Baltic Restaurants Estonia AS otsib erinevatesse Tallinna Daily köökidesse abiks kogenud KOKKASID!Tööd jagub nii lõunarestoranidesse, koolitoitlustusse kui personalikohvikutesse.
Iseseisev kokk valmi...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime rõõmsameelseid ja suhtlemisvalmis inimesi Radisson Blu Hotellis Olümpia Senso restorani hommikusöögi saaliteenindajateks.
Töö sisuks on klientide professionaalne ja kõrgetasemeline teenindamin...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Hei moehuviline, tule liitu meie tööka H&M kollektiiviga!
Meie tööpäevad on vaheldusrikkad ja vajame abi kaupade lahtipakkimisel, kaupade paigutamisel, riiete hooldamisel ja kindlasti tuleb silma...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Loo-l tegutseme tööriiete hoolduse ja pesuga. Tule aita töömeeste ja naiste riided puhtaks teha, pakendadada ja tagastada!Omavahel suhtleme eesti või vene keeles :)
06:00-14:30, vahepeal on...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Vajame hooajalisse toitlustushaagisesse klienditeenindajat/kokka!
Töö sisuks on klientide sõbralik teenindamine, lihtsamate toidu valmistamine, kohvi tegemine ja tellimuste vastu võtmine. Kindlasti t...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime oma äsja avatud sporditarvete poodi särasilmseid abilisi, kes aitaksid inimesi iseteeninduskassas. Kassas on vaja küsida klientidelt, kas külastus sujus hästi või jäi midagi leidmata ning samut...
Apply to multibit team!
Kangrumäe tee 3, Kurna, 75307 Harju maakond, Estonia
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Otsime oma tiimi kolme inimest, kellega loodetavasti pikaajalisemalt koostööd teha! Palun märgi kandideerimisel, millisesse ametisse kandideerid!
1. Aednik, taimede hooldaja - Nõutav eelnev kogemus j...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Tule meile appi kevadtöödele- taimede ettevalmistamine müügiks
Tööaeg 8.00-17.00
Kuidas puukoolis töö käib, saad ülevaate külastades FB lehte
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Ootame Sind appi Rapla Prismasse kaupu müügisaalis välja panema! Kaup veetakse alustel riiulite ette ning Sinu peamiseks ülesandeks on riiulite täitmine. Tuleb ette ka mõningate raskuste tõstmist (nt...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Tule appi Roseni Alexela mugavuspoodi!
Töö sisuks on
* Kaupade vastuvõtt ja lattu paigutamine ning väljapanekute tegemine
* Kliendisaali, ladude ja ruumide korrashoid
* Toidu valmistamiseks toorai...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Hei moehuviline, tule liitu meie tööka H&M kollektiiviga!
Siit multiampsust leiad graafikut Kuressaare H&M kauplusesse!
Meie tööpäevad on vaheldusrikkad ja vajame abi kaupade lahtipakkimisel...
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Multibits are a bunch of related workbits. When you apply for a multibit and are selected, you'll get access to the work schedule and can add yourself in the slots that work for you. Without the hassle of applying again and waiting for the response.
Tegutseme erinevates hotellides, spaades, restoranides ja tervisekeskustes kasutatavate tekstiilide hooldusega, millega kaasnevad tööd nagu sorteerimine, viimistlemine ja pakkimine. Töö toimub seistes...