Vacant job offers in company MERREM TÖÖSTUSPLAST OÜ. You pick the time.

Here you can find all current vacant job offers from MERREM TÖÖSTUSPLAST OÜ. In case none of them suits your needs there are lots of other job offers in GoWorkaBit for a day or week.

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Current job offers by MERREM TÖÖSTUSPLAST OÜ

Long workbit
Description Sinu peamiseks tööks saab CNC pinkides toodetud plastdetailidelt lõikejääkide eemaldamine, detailide painutus kuumapainutuspingiga Shannon. Kogu vajalik koolitus kohapeal. Tööaeg: E-R 08:00-16:30 Tö...

Apply for 11 days workbite
  • Mo, 03 March - Fr, 14 March

Vahi tee 7, Vahi, 60534 Tartu maakond