Vacant job offers in company Elis Textile Service AS. You pick the time.

Here you can find all current vacant job offers from Elis Textile Service AS. In case none of them suits your needs there are lots of other job offers in GoWorkaBit for a day or week.

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Current job offers by Elis Textile Service AS

Short workbit
Description Autojuht-klienditeenindajana on Sinu ülesandeks B-kategooria kaubiku juhtimine, koorma peale- ja maha laadimine, vahetusvaipade transport, vahetus ja/või paigaldus, suhtlemine klientidega ja muidugi o...

This workbite is full
  • Tu, 25 February 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Maardu, Harju maakond

Short workbit
Description Töö sisuks on osalemine vahetusvaipade hooldusprotsessi erinevates etappides. Enne pesemist vahetusvaibad sorteeritakse, seejärel laaditakse pesumasinasse. Peale pesemist vaibad kuivatatakse ning see...

This workbite is full
  • Th, 27 February 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Maardu, Harju maakond