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18 295 600 €

Eurot teenitud tasuna

7 685

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342 224

aktiivset tööampsajat

3 094 000

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Leia tööamps

Customer Support Associate

Tööampsu pakkujast

At Starship, we work together to shape the future of delivery – while working on complex problems that no one else has solved before. This excites us and keeps us motivated. Like our robots, the insights collected yesterday, make us smarter tomorrow. 

Our Customer and Merchant Support Team is responsible for providing in-depth support to our customers and partners. We are looking for a well-rounded Customer Support Associate who will be the primary point of contact for our customers and partners. Your responsibilities will include assisting them in resolving any problems they may encounter either through live chat or phone calls.

Primary responsibilities:

Handle customer and partner requests via chat or calls.

Be able to work with internal tools; Zendesk, Slack, Confluence.

Reporting customer or partners feedback to relevant teams