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Verification Specialist

Tööampsu pakkujast

At Starship, we are redefining how goods reach the places in which we live. We see a future where a new generation of convenience services becomes available to everyone – made possible by our awesome autonomous neighbourhood robots. We have brought together some incredible talent and have entered commercial pilots with hundreds of robots driving along sidewalks across the United States and four countries in Europe. We believe that soon there will be thousands of our robots around the world.

With Starship we have many "World Firsts" and this job posting is also not an exception. We started selling Age-Restricted items in our UK market and require Verification Specialists to make our customer experience smooth.

Primary responsibilities:

- Verify our customers age when age restricted items are ordered

- Communicate with Hypervisors, Operators, Field Assistants and Customers

- Log and report issues to relevant teams

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GWB aitab sul leida ajutist või pikemaajalist tööd erinevates ettevõtetes, valida sobivat koormust, vahetada ameteid või töötada mitmes ametis samal ajal. Mis kõige tähtsam - tööta enda seatud tingimustel. Muuda oma tööelu põnevaks ja vaheldusrikkaks ning alustada uutmoodi töökarjääri!
Asu tööampsu otsima

18 459 200 €

Eurot teenitud tasuna

7 700

registreerunud klienti

343 328

aktiivset tööampsajat

3 119 300

tundi ülesandeid täidetud