Flexible job offer, or “workbit”
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About the employer


Otsin endale esmaspäevaks heas füüsilises vormis abilist kes saaks aidata diivaneid klientidele vedada, tuppa tassida ja kokku panna.
Selga vali mugavad riided, mis kerget määrdumist ei karda.

Töö toimub Tallinnas Suur-Sõjamäel.

Language skills
Estonian - Recommended
Russian - worker2.workbit:details:language:option:
English - worker2.workbit:details:language:option:
worker2.workbit:details:language:latvian - worker2.workbit:details:language:option:
worker2.workbit:details:language:lithuanian - worker2.workbit:details:language:option:
Other -
Other skills/requirements
Hea füüsiline vorm

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