Multibit — the new way of working
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Sportland ja Sportland Outlet Pärnu Keskuse abilised

About the employer

Otsime ägedaid aktiivseid inimesi, kes oleksid valmis käima abis Pärnu keskuse Sportland kauplustes.

Sinu ülesandeks on sõltuvalt päevast ja vahetusest klientide abistamine, e-poe tellimuste komplekteerimine, kauba ettevalmistus ja väljapanek. Lisaks ka müügisaali ja proovikabiinide korrastamine, kaupluse korrashoid ja kergemad koristustööd nagu tolmu võtmine, peeglite puhastus jms.

Language skills
Estonian - worker2.workbit:details:language:option:
Russian - worker2.workbit:details:language:option:
English - worker2.workbit:details:language:option:
Other -

This is a multibit. If you like it, just apply 😊 If you are selected, you’ll gain access to this job’s work schedule. This means you can start picking up suitable work days exactly whenever you want and how often you want. No more applying needed. No more waiting for answers.

Find a workbit just for the time and at the place where you like

GoWorkaBit helps you find short or long term flexible jobs. You can choose your workload, change professions, work in different companies at the same time - and what’s most important, work on your own terms. Turn your work life around and start working in a new way.
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