Hub - uut moodi tööpakkumine

Swappie: Assistant in the warehouse WR/M

Tööampsu pakkujast


Swappie's warehouse is looking for support for the Summer!

If you want to work 40 hours a week for next two week, you speak good English, have previous warehouse experience and have a good sense of humour, then this might be just for you! NB! Please note that the work might end before two weeks.

Different roles in the warehouse

Packing boxes and pallets:

Attention to the details on the Box lables.

Pack boxes and pallets. Move things by using Pallet Jack/Pallet Mover and Trolly.

Can work between three floors using stairs (no need to carry anything while using stairs).

Help co-worker in sorting sales boxes and devices (box weight up to 10-15 kg).

Able to work in Morning Shift (from 06:00 - to- 14:00 hrs).

Deliver all the required tools and instruments on the checkers table when asked by individual or required by the process.

Offer help, whenever spread happiness & smile within the team you are working in.

Collect the devices from checking stations and sort them in the next department, based on the labels.

Requirements for a good candidate:

Highly punctual

Attention to details

Can do physical work

Good communication skills

Good sense of humor

Supportive colleague

Interest in electronics components


Work takes place in a warehouse, wear clothes that are suitable for physical work.


There will be a 30 minutes break (unpaid) during the shift. Please bring your lunch form home. Lunch not provided by the company. There are refrigerators, microwave ovens, cutlery etc in the kitchens. Coffee, tea and water are provided by Swappie.

How to come

The nearest public transportation stop is at Järve Centre: Pärnu mnt Risti stop. From there it's about a 10min walk to Swappie. The exact address will be given to selected candidates!

Parking - free parking area.

Eesti keel - Soovituslik
Vene keel - Ei ole oluline
Inglise keel - Vajalik
Muu -
Muud oskused/nõuded
Physical work, Google Sheets, Punctuality, Attention to details

Antud tööpakkumise näol on tegu uudse Hubiga. See tähendab, et kui pärast kandideerimist ettevõte sind välja valib, pääsed ligi antud ameti töögraafikule. See annab sulle võimaluse lisada end ise sulle sobivatel päevadel tööle ja täpselt nii tihti kui ise soovid mugavalt ilma kogu kandideerimise ja vastuse ootamise protsessita.

Leia tööamps just selleks ajaks ja kohas, mis sulle sobib

GWB aitab sul leida ajutist või pikemaajalist tööd erinevates ettevõtetes, valida sobivat koormust, vahetada ameteid või töötada mitmes ametis samal ajal. Mis kõige tähtsam - tööta enda seatud tingimustel. Muuda oma tööelu põnevaks ja vaheldusrikkaks ning alustada uutmoodi töökarjääri!
Asu tööampsu otsima

18 447 700 €

Eurot teenitud tasuna

7 699

registreerunud klienti

343 293

aktiivset tööampsajat

3 117 400

tundi ülesandeid täidetud