Does your company have jobs with constantly fluctuating workloads?
Sometimes you need a person for a couple of hours only; at other times, you need that same person for three straight weeks. It's hard to find people who are flexible enough to accept this kind of constant change in their workload and income. And even if you manage to find these wonder-workers, managing them can be time-consuming and expensive.
So, maybe it's not always reasonable to hire a permanent worker... especially in a situation where one day you might have work for ten people, and the next only for two. Perhaps it would be helpful to have a team of people who are ready to come to work with a couple days' notice, and do exactly the amount of work that you need at that moment? Does this kind of team sound a bit like a fairytale, something like the seven dwarfs? If so, you've found your Snow White.
GoWorkaBit can help you quickly assemble your dream team - give them a few days notice and your seven (or seven hundred) hard-working dwarfs will show up with bells on!
Meet the multibits!