What kind of candidates can we find for you?
Every month, 1000 new job seekers register in the GoWorkaBit system, and we have more than 200,000 people with diverse skill sets in our database. Yes, you read that right - the population of two Tartu cities are willing and ready to work!
You probably already know that GoWorkaBit can help you find temporary work for simple tasks in warehousing, data entry, and so on. We also have thousands of specialists on our platform. While world-class surgeons might be hard to find, accountants, marketers, and sales and HR specialists, for example, are plentiful in the GoWorkaBit database.
When searching for suitable candidates, GoWorkaBit focuses on quality. We make sure you are reached by people who are great matches for the job. How? It's simple: We'll phrase and structure your job ad a way that weeds out applicants who are "blindly" applying for jobs or otherwise unqualified, so they don't waste your precious time.