Pieteikšanās īstermiņa darbam ir beigusies.

Atrodiet nelielu darbu

Field Assistant at Starship

Par darba devēju

Starship is seeking Field Assistants to work with our onsite operations in Tallinn to oversee and help the friendly sidewalk robots designed to deliver parcels, groceries, and food. As our current office where the robots "sleep" :) is further from the service areas, our Field Assistants help the robots to start and end the day of delivering goods. The available shifts are from Monday to Sunday 7.30-16.00 and 16.00-00.00.

Your tasks shall include:

1. Taking robots to service areas in morning shifts

2. Maintaining and cleaning robots

3. Robot pick up from the service area at the end of evening shifts

4. Communicating with the remotely situated robot operator in real-time

Training for the tasks and specifics will be provided by Starship on the first day.

As driving with a van is the main part of the job, a driver's license and English skills are required. We are looking for people to join the team temporarily through GoWorkaBit platform, with the possibility to join the Starship team with an employment contract in the future.

Atrodiet īstermiņa darbu tieši tad un tur, kur jums patīt

GoWorkaBit palīdz jums atrast īstermiņa vai ilgtermiņa elastīgu darbu. Jūs varat izvēlēties savu darba slodzi, mainīt profesiju, strādāt dažādos uzņēmumos vienlaicīgi – un, kas ir vissvarīgākais, strādāt pēc saviem noteikumiem. Pārvērtiet savu darba dzīvi un sāciet strādāt jaunā veidā.
Atrodiet nelielu darbu

19 998 300 €

no nopelnītās algas

7 810

reģistrējušies darba devēji

352 048

aktīvi darba meklētāji

3 349 400

veiktā darba stundas