Flexible job offer, or “workbit”
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Ukse paigaldaja


Otsime uste ja akende paigaldajat. Nõutav on eelnev paigalduskogemus. Ampsaja assisteerib põhipaigaldajat ülesannetega nagu materjali tassimine, puhastus, vahutamine.

Work environment

Kiivri saab kohapealt. Jalas peavad olema Sinu enda tugeva ninaga jalanõud.

Breaks and lunch

Lõuna tuleb ise kaasa võtta.

Language skills
Estonian - Not important
Russian - Not important
English - Not important
Other -

Find a workbit just for the time and at the place where you like

GoWorkaBit helps you find short or long term flexible jobs. You can choose your workload, change professions, work in different companies at the same time - and what’s most important, work on your own terms. Turn your work life around and start working in a new way.
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