Warehouse assistance 6 EUR/hr
Meie ettevõte otsib abikäsi pakkimistööle meie Tartu laos sel nädalal.
Tööga alustame kell 9.00 ja lõpetame kell 17, aga oleme kellaaegade osas paindlikud.
Come and help our warehouse team.
Our company is urgently looking for some Estonian or English speaking helping hands in our warehouse in Tartu.
We start at 9:00 AM and end our day at 5PM, but we are flexible and it's OK if you need to leave a bit earlier.
Darbo aplinka
Pane selga mugavad riided ja jalanõud (kindlasti mitte kontsakingad ega plätud). Ladu on üldiselt soe, kuid võta kaasa selga panemiseks midagi sooja, sest vahel on uksed lahti ja võib hakata jahe.
For work please wear some comfortable clothes and close-toed shoes (no heels or flipflops). The warehouse is warm, but we recommend you bring something warm to wear as well, because sometimes the doors are open and it could be a bit chilly.
Pertraukos ir pietūs
Päeva sisse jääb 30 minutit tasustamata lõunapausi, võta palun endale ise lõunasöök kaasa.
During the workday you'll have a 30 minute unpaid brake for lunch, please bring your own lunch. There is a fridge to store your lunch and microwave to warm it up.
Kaip ten nuvykti
Töö asukoht on Puiestee 2, Tartu.
The work takes place at our warehouse - Puiestee 2, Tartu. Please do not go to the Saalungi address.
We have some skin care products that you can try. We also offer full time job position for suitable candidates
Kalbos įgūdžiai
Estų - RekomenduojamaRusų - Nesvarbu
Anglų - Rekomenduojama
Kita -