Flexible job offer, or “workbit”
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About the employer

Kaubakastide paigutamine riiulitesse. 1 kasti kaal 8-14 kg, sobiv töö pigem meesterahvale.

Work environment

Tavaline tööriietus, ent kuna kastid kohati tolmused, võivad riided määrduda

Breaks and lunch

Kuna tööaeg on ainult 3h, siis pause pole ette nähtud.

How to get there

Pärnu mnt. 130, 11317 Tallinn, saab mugavalt ligi ka ühistranspordiga.

Language skills
Estonian - Recommended
Russian - worker2.workbit:details:language:option:
English - worker2.workbit:details:language:option:
Other -

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GoWorkaBit helps you find short or long term flexible jobs. You can choose your workload, change professions, work in different companies at the same time - and what’s most important, work on your own terms. Turn your work life around and start working in a new way.
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